
Josefa Großschedl

Josefa Großschedl

João Alves

João Alves

  • Josefa E. Großschedl - Executive Project Leader of the FFG project "Cloudshape 873708" (PostDoc and Scientific Project Staff at University of Vienna)
  • João Alves - PI of the FFG project "Cloudshape 873708" (Professor and Group Leader at the University of Vienna) - webpage


Related Projects & Collaborations

  • AlvesLab - João Alves' research group at the University of Vienna
  • VISIONS - The Vista Star Formation Atlas, an ESO-VISTA survey (Meingast et al. 2023a,b) - PI: J. Alves (J. Großschedl is Co-I)
  • VISION - The Vienna Survey in Orion, an ESO-VISTA survey (Meingast et al. 2016, Großschedl et al. 2019) - PI: J. Alves (J. Großschedl is Co-I)
  • 4SYS - The 4MOST survey of young stars, an ESO-VISTA survey (Sacco et al. 2023) - PI: G.G. Sacco (J. Großschedl, J. Alves are Co-Is)
  • VOLS - The VLA Orion A Large Survey: Studying disk masses, acrrection and ejection reates of YSOs in the Orion Nebula Cluster. PI: Gemma Busquet (J. Großschedl is Co-I)
  • Radcliffe Wave project webpage led by João Alves (see Alves et al. 2020)
  • Local Bubble project webpage led by Catherine Zucker (see Zucker et al. 2022)
  • Data Science @ Uni Vienna Research Platform (Synergy of Data Science and Astronomy) - collaboration with Torsten Möller and Sebastian Ratzenböck (among others)
  • Research group of Alyssa Goodman at the CfA/Harvard - collaboration