
With this FFG project we have contributed to a better understanding of the star formation history in the Solar Neighbourhood. We focus on two nearby major star-forming complexes: The Orion Molecular Cloud complex and the Scorpio-Centaurus OB association (Sco-Cen). As the name suggests, Sco-Cen is rather known as a stellar association. However, with our work we show that it is still a very active site of star formation and it is connected to virtually all nearby molecular clouds (within 200 pc) that are visible from the Southern Hemisphere from Earth. At the same time, the Orion complex is known for its giant molecular clouds (Orion A & B) and the famous Orion Nebula and the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), while it is also harboring older stellar populations, which are part of the Orion OB1 association.

The results for both Orion and Sco-Cen indicate an important role of feedback from massive stars in regulating star formation in the Milky Way, akin to the classical sequential star formation scenario by Elmegreen & Lada (1977). Therefore, these studies lay an important foundation to enhance our comprehension of the history and evolution of the Young Local Milky Way by studying local molecular clouds and OB associations within a broader context. With this we are well positioned to challenge existing Galaxy simulations and models, which are still lacking appropriate empirical confirmation.


For more details on our results, please use the Links on the right to navigate through our three main findings.